Category: BlogPosts

Should we adopt new textbooks yet?

So yesterday I was asked a totally reasonable question: Is it time for districts to start thinking about adopting updated materials…especially since the California Math Framework has been revised. I provided an answer, but I feel like my answer changes weekly. Read on and let me know your thoughts about my response: QUESTION:  “Our district […]

Learning to Count

Counting is hard. It is far more involved than just saying one, two , three. After all, claiming that saying one, two, three means you are counting…is like claiming you can spell just because you know how to say a, b, c . Sometimes, however, counting does feel as easy as saying one, two, three. Counting […]

Designing Ambitious Instruction

As a math coach who serves schools in multiple districts, I need to be clear on what I am aiming for during my coaching. What am I helping the teacher to do or learn or improve upon? I’ve decided my focus is to support teachers implement AMBITIOUS math instruction for their students. Ambitious instruction deliberately […]

Test-taking Time Pressure

Why do we have timed tests? asks Adam Grant (University of Pennsylvania) in this New York Times article. Because many educators believe that speed is a sign of students’ aptitude and mastery. In fact, says Grant, completing a test more quickly isn’t an accurate measure of knowledge or intelligence; it assesses the much narrower skill […]

Mathing vs Studenting

TL;DR Mathing is the process of students understanding math concepts. Studenting is the process of students applying that understanding to a worksheet. Both need to happen. Mathing is more important than studenting. — Let me briefly share a recent 1st grade lesson I taught to explain what are mathing and studenting and why we need […]

Planning a Bansho Lesson

In my last blog post, I shared my mental model for how to teach a lesson that incorporates both student-centered inquiry and direct instruction. There are eight steps in this instructional model, but it really is three main phases: introduction, inquiry, and direct instruction. This lesson structure is very similar to the 5 Practices for […]