Tag: bansho

Inserting Productive Failure into your Mathematics Lessons

Check this out! Students were randomly assigned to experience 1 of 2 conditions: Productive Failure (PF), in which students collaboratively solved complex problems without any instructional support or scaffolds; or Direct Instruction (DI), in which the teacher provided strong instructional support, scaffolding, and feedback. Findings showed that although PF students generated pictorial representations and methods for solving […]

Mathing vs Studenting

TL;DR Mathing is the process of students understanding math concepts. Studenting is the process of students applying that understanding to a worksheet. Both need to happen. Mathing is more important than studenting. — Let me briefly share a recent 1st grade lesson I taught to explain what are mathing and studenting and why we need […]

Planning a Bansho Lesson

In my last blog post, I shared my mental model for how to teach a lesson that incorporates both student-centered inquiry and direct instruction. There are eight steps in this instructional model, but it really is three main phases: introduction, inquiry, and direct instruction. This lesson structure is very similar to the 5 Practices for […]

A formula for inquiry AND direct instruction

In earlier blog posts (this one and this one) I’ve talked about two – seemingly opposing – views of math instruction: direct instruction and student-centered instruction. There is plenty of evidence that students benefit tremendously when given an opportunity to invent/investigate their own understanding prior to formal instruction by the teacher. There is also plenty of evidence that […]

Flipping the script: You Do, We Do, I Do

Every three years the OECD administers and publishes the Programme for International Student Assessment, better known as PISA, which evaluates 15 year-old students around the world to determine how well their education system has prepared them for life after compulsory schooling. This test is important because it allows the performance of educational systems to be […]