Tape Diagrams vs Algebra

Take a moment to solve this problem using any method you wish…

A farm has a total of 480 llamas and alpacas. 

\(\frac{4}{5}\) of the number of llamas at the farm are equal to \(\frac{4}{7}\) of the number of alpacas.

How many more alpacas than llamas are there?

I’ll wait.






Can I move on?

It is likely you tried some sort of algebra. If so, it might have looked a little like this…


Using tape diagrams, it would look like this…

Take a moment to look at the tape diagram above.

What do you notice? What do you wonder?




Using tape diagrams, this problem requires no mathematics beyond 4th grade division and 4th grade fractions. The SAME problem can be solved using fancy algebra or simple arithmetic.

In a nutshell, tape diagrams increase access to rigorous mathematics for ALL students.

Look forward to an upcoming announcement for a fantastic workshop on tape diagrams.


