Author: dhabecker
The California Mathematics Framework calls on teachers to teach conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application with “equal intensity”. The way I think of “equal intensity” is with a Venn diagram. I first saw a Venn used to describe rigor here. The ambitious instruction we are seeking – rigor – is the sweet spot in the […]
When it comes to mathematics instruction, what are we aiming for? Exactly what do we want students to know and understand and be able to do? Do we want students to have a big-picture understanding of the mathematics they are learning? Do we want students to be skillful in using procedures and algorithms? Do we […]
Finding the area of polygons is pretty easy if the shapes are familiar to you like rectangles, triangles, circles, etc. Those shapes have nice formulas we can learn that will give us the area of the figure without much hassle. But what about unusual shapes like this? Sure we could find the area of this […]