I have been teaching mathematics since 1989 and during this time I have experienced no less than 3 or 4 math coaching initiatives either as the recipient of the math coaching or the deliverer of said math coaching. These sudden moments of interest in math coaching are ALWAYS connected to some external event: the state […]
Tag: instructional coaching
In 1989 I began my teaching career at Roosevelt Junior High School in Oakland where I taught 8th and 9th grade mathematics. I was completely ill-equipped to teach students who were just a few years younger than me. Chronic-absenteeism was so high, my class rosters were in the mid-40’s so as to ensure a daily […]
Adapted from these two sources… Source: 5 Coaching Strategies That Help Coaches Connect with Resistant Teachers Source: Working with Reluctant Teachers: 5 Tips for Instructional Coaches As coaches, we’ve all encountered resistant teachers. Resistance to coaching can take many forms. You might encounter a teacher who is direct, making it clear they don’t want your help. […]
We have all heard the claim that any big change a school district might want to make will require 3 to 5 years of concentrated effort. You want better scores? 3 to 5 years. You want to fundamentally change what instruction looks like in your classrooms? 3 to 5 years. You want to close achievement […]
Years ago I was invited by my district office to leave my classroom of 26 years to become an instructional coach serving 300 K-5 teachers as they transitioned to Common Core. Up to that point I was happily and successfully teaching math to middle school students. I also coached the golf team and was one […]
This post builds upon my last posts in which I talk about the importance of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) and how to design ambitious instruction for your school or district that honors the HQIM. To make sure that all students are receiving strong, standards-aligned instruction with HQIM aligned to those standards, we need to […]