Here we are in January, 2025. As you have likely heard, in July, 2023 the California Board of Education unanimously approved the new revision of the California Mathematics Framework (this in itself should be a series of blog posts, but I’ll save that for another day), which means school districts throughout Merced County will soon […]
Category: BlogPosts
When it comes to transforming mathematics instruction, one approach stands out for its effectiveness: curriculum-based professional learning (CBPL). This method, especially when combined with the expertise of a mathematics instructional coach, has the potential to elevate teaching practices and improve student outcomes. It is a great time to be thinking about CBPL since many districts […]
The other day a teacher invited me into her classroom to help her facilitate the first Focused Interim Assessment Block (FIAB) with her 3rd grade students. She asked me to teach her how to… find a relevant FIAB to use create a test session for her students to access the FIAB view the resulting scores […]
What CAASPP already? Well…yeah…sorta. If you haven’t already started using the FIABs and IABs freely available at the CAASPP website, then now is a great time to get started! At the end of each chapter that you teach, consider using an FIAB to wrap up the instruction prior to giving your test. Better yet, don’t […]
Let’s start with the TL;DR in hopes that you will actually read this blog post: Moving forward CALCULUS is the lowest math course that can be offered to students entering with a STEM-related academic goal. Do I have your attention? Read on… In the spirit of vertical alignment, I thought I would share some important […]
I was recently talking with several math teachers. We were in agreement that it seems students today are profoundly different from students in the past…or at least how we remember them being in the past. Compared to the “good old days”, the teachers felt students… are coming to their respective grade levels less prepared than […]
As a math coach one of the things I hear the most from upper elementary and middle school teachers is “What do I do with my students who don’t know their multiplication facts?” I hear this from third grade teachers fourth grade teachers fifth grade teachers all the way up to whatever grade level I […]
A collection of random problems that I love…
A long time ago I was given a shirt. It said, “You can’t scare me. I teach middle school.” The premise, clearly was middle school students are a difficult audience to work with. While this premise may be true, my last ten years as a mathematics instructional coach (technically I’m the Senior Math Coordinator…but I […]
We have all heard the claim that any big change a school district might want to make will require 3 to 5 years of concentrated effort. You want better scores? 3 to 5 years. You want to fundamentally change what instruction looks like in your classrooms? 3 to 5 years. You want to close achievement […]