This is just your regular reminder to read this fantastic article. It is well worth your time! . . .
Author: dhabecker
Ignore this. It is just a test. Ignore this. It is just a test. Ignore this. It is just a test. Ignore this. It is just a test. Ignore this. It is just a test. Ignore this. It is just a test. Ignore this. It is just a test. Ignore this. It is just a […]
Recently I was asked why it is important for students to experience productive struggle during a math lesson. This is a very fair question, since historically the role of math teacher has been to explain math concepts so clearly that students can’t help but understand. Why would we ever want to intentionally cause students to […]
Here are a couple of things I’m digging into: Responsive Math Teaching: Teaching Through Problem Solving: . . .
Hey folks…I recently came across this article about learning multiplication facts. Here is my summary of it with some addition thought sat the end… A 2022 study from the Netherlands compared two methods of practicing multiplication facts: reciting equations displayed on a whiteboard and singing songs practicing with flash cards. Teachers used the same scripted […]