Author: dhabecker
The other day I received a text from a school district I serve. It read, “On a scale of 1-10, how important is math fact fluency?” My answer: 11 In a follow-up text, they asked for my thoughts on fluency instruction, fluency practice, and whether there are any online apps to support the development of […]
I recently had two exhilarating conversations with teachers I work with: one with high school teachers and the other with second grade teachers. First the high school conversation: I posted this problem on the board and asked the teachers to solve it on their own before sharing their thinking with the others. A few moments […]
There is substantial evidence that throughout the school years children benefit when parents are involved in their learning. What more could a school want than parents who are actively involved in supporting their children at home with their math homework? Well…it turns out the answer to that question is a bit more tricky that you […]